Cycling is a healthy, quiet, clean, economical, and fun way to get to work. Thousands of DC area commuters bike to work every day.
Cheaper – Purchasing and maintaining a bicycle costs far less than driving to work. And a federal tax benefit for commuters allows participating employers to provide $20 per month to cover bicycling related expenses.
Healthier – Cycling allows you to stay in shape while you commute. Arrive invigorated and work off some pounds at the same time, then work off the day’s stress on the way home.
Viable Transportation – Bicycles are a practical form of transportation to and from work one or more days a week. With the right gear you can even bike all year round. If you don’t own a bicycle use Capital Bikeshare if there’s a station near your home and near your workplace.
Better Environment – Bicycling to work means less pollutants and traffic congestion caused by automobiles. According to Clean Air Partners, each year cars and trucks travel more than 38 billion miles on the roads, accounting for 30-40% of the ozone-causing pollutants.